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Our focus is to see the hearts of man reconciled back with the heart of God. In order to accomplish this, we have chosen to pursue the building of affordable housing for the poor along with educational and other basic assistance. We continue to disciple those impacted while being a consistent long-term presence in their lives. In doing this, we will build the kingdom one house at a time.
To know Christ and to make Him known. People are NOT projects but are real people and should be seen as such. In Romans 12:9, Paul says, "Love MUST be sincere." And in John 13:35 Jesus says, "By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
Let us never forget that not only did Jesus touch the leper but had a personal touch in almost every aspect of his ministry. Our faith is one of practicality with real-world application and approach. It has been said that you can often judge your love for God by your love for other people.
James 2:16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
Here at BANAH, we desire that all people would understand the depth of God’s love for them in an authentic and tangible way, embracing the poor, the destitute, the lost, and the hurting.
The Bible:
We believe the Bible is the Word of God and take it literally in its entirety. We believe as a Christian one should be held to a Biblical standard of living. We adhere to a traditional view of the Bible, faith, and marriage. Our interpretation of the word should not be tainted by a modern lense but should hold the historical standard.
Our salvation is:
We are saved by grace …. through faith….(Eph 2:8) And we believe in the finality of the work done on the cross through Jesus Christ. Salvation should be simple, not complicated. It is through the work done on the cross that we are now able to enter into a relationship with God the Father.
For $60 a month, your sponsorship provides a child with education, meals, and the tools to break the cycle of poverty. Be the hands and feet of Jesus—transform a life today!